Getting here

Mā hea tae mai ai

The Horowhenua District offers a stunning natural environment on the lower west coast of the North Island, where the mountains meet the sea. Kilometres of unspoilt beaches, forest walks and a hinterland that is rich in both Māori and European history. Horowhenua is blessed with superb natural assets, treasured historical heritage and a thriving cultural life, all within easy reach of New Zealand's capital city Wellington, which is just an hour drive to the south. Bounded by the Tasman Sea to the west and the bush-clad Tararua Range to the east, the District concentrates a wide range of visitor attractions and facilities in a compact, highly accessible area.

Taitoko - Levin

Levin, Horowhenua’s largest town, is fast becoming a desirable alternative to big city living. Affordable housing, warm community spirt and regional investment in business innovation, and educational opportunities provide the pillars for a thriving, vibrant town. A relaxed lifestyle, a family-friendly environment, and the centre of commerce for the region, Levin is a draw card for young families and new business, both fuelling its resurgence in growth.

By Air

The closest airports to Levin are located just 45 minutes away in Palmerston North, and 1 hour and 20 minutes away in Wellington.

By Road

Levin is just an hour's drive from Wellington and 40 minutes by car from Palmerston North. Also part of the Intercity Bus route out of Wellington and Palmerston North, you’ll find regular, hassle-free transport to Levin.


Te Awahou - Foxton and Foxton Beach

Built on the banks of the Manawatū river and once famed for its flax trade, Foxton is the oldest settlement in Horowhenua, yet it offers state of the art museum experiences coupled with arts, culture and heritage. Venture off State Highway 1 and wander down Foxton’s historic Main Street to experience beautifully preserved architecture and newly developed river walks.
Nearby Foxton Beach is one of New Zealand's finest west coast beaches, is home to many walking and cycling tracks and an internationally renowned RAMSAR wetlands site.

By Air

The closest airports to Foxton are located just 35 minutes away in Palmerston North, and 1 hour and 40 minutes away in Wellington.

By Road

Foxton is a short 90 minute drive from the capital and 30 minutes from Palmerston North. Part of State Highway 1, Foxton township has regular public transport coming through from key city centres.

Otāuru - Shannon

A charming town with plenty of character, Shannon has become a destination stop for boutique shopping, coffee, food and unique attractions.

By Air

The closest airports to Shannon are located just 30 minutes away in Palmerston North, and 1 hour and 35 minutes away in Wellington.

By Road

Shannon is situated between Levin and Palmerston North on State Highway 57. Shannon is an easy car drive to key city centres. The Shannon Railway Station is still used as a stop for the Palmerston North – Wellington commuter train.

Ōpiki | Tokomaru

Ōpiki is located on the plains surrounding the Manawatū river. Ōpiki, now made up of a predominantly farming community, was once renowned for its plentiful flax production and myriad of tram tracks. Trams would cart flax to one of the 40 odd flax mills located across the district. Remnants of the swing bridge built in 1917, are is the last remaining reminder of this era.

Tokomaru is a small town in the north of Horowhenua, located about a 20 minute drive southwest of Palmerston North, and 10 minutes northeast of Shannon.

By Air

The closest airports to Ōpiki | Tokomaru are located just 20 minutes away in Palmerston North, and 1 hour and 45 minutes away in Wellington.<

By Road

Located about a 17 minute drive southwest of Palmerston North, and 10 minutes north of Shannon.


Manakau | Waikawa Beach

Manakau is located in the south of the Horowhenua District. It is just a short drive between Ōtaki and Levin and is connected to both via State Highway 1 which skirts the western edge of Manakau.

Waikawa Beach is located on the South Taranaki Bight at the mouth of the Waikawa Stream.  It’s a quiet settlement where life revolves around the beach and the outdoors. People enjoy swimming in the river or sea, kayaking, fishing, cycling, horse riding and walking

By Air

Manakau and Waikawa Beach are roughly a one hour 30 minutes drive to Wellington International Airport.

By Road

Manakau is about an eight minute drive on State Highway 1 to Levin, and about an hour to Wellington.  Waikawa Beach is about a 10 minute drive northwest of Manakau, and 20 minutes southwest of Levin.