Piriharakeke - Generation Inspiration Centre

The Piriharakeke museum takes you on an engaging journey through whakapapa and pride of place. Through digital displays, soundscapes and a walk past traditional and modern art, you are immersed into Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga history, reo and taonga.

Piriharakeke tells fascinating stories. You will be captivated by the beauty and wairua of the space. Whether it’s the ancient fishing waka or the intricate, spiritual Taurapa (sternpost) that talk of ancient times. Or the weavings that have experts wondering how it was done, and a Tangiwai carving that was created specifically for the exhibition. Piriharakeke Generation Inspiration Centre is located in Foxton, in Te Awahou Nieuwe Stroom.

See and experience:
• Whakapapa – The origins story, as visuals and soundscape
• Landscape – An animated journey on-screen, of Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga rohe
• Taonga – Contemporary expressions of culture and artists of old: weaving and carving
• Kaumātua - Leaders
• Kaitiakitanga - The modern context

Details Taipitopito Whakapā